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Holding me more

1. Of all the games you could have played to screw this
A thousand ways I could’ve done the same
How is it we came back from the edge?
Something brought this love back from the dead

Now you’re holding me more
Holding me more like the first time, 
the first time
I thought you forgot
I thought you forgot what it feels like, 
feels like
Whatever you did with whomever it is
Thank you for making me feel like this
Because you’re holding me more
Holding me more like the first time
The first time again

2. When you came here pleading independence
Songbird eyes singing me away
Promising it wouldn’t make a difference
’Cause you couldn’t work us out, try as you may
Who is it that came and made it clearer?
’Cause I will end up thanking him one day

Now you’re holding me more
Holding me more like the first time, 
the first time
I thought you forgot
I thought you forgot what it feels like, 
feels like
Whatever you did with whomever it is
Thank you for making me feel like this
Because you’re holding me more
Holding me more like the first time
The first time again